Commercial — — Blog — Dion Robeson - Architectural Photographer and Interior Photographer Perth

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The life and times. Architecture and Interior photographer. Also focusing on hospitality and retail photography in and around Western Australia.

Posts in Commercial
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Perth - Cottee Parker

With limited time to get in and out to shoot; The Ritz Hotel finally made its way to Elizabeth Quay, Perth.

Designed by Cottee Parker Architects and construction completed by Probuild. Nothing like shooting at 1am on a Tuesday night! Some images below.

Boston Brewing Co - Victoria Park by Design Theory

I was fortunate enough to photograph a new retail/brew-pub space designed by Design Theory for Denmark natives Boston Brewing Co. Located in Victoria Park the double story premises is beautiful in the afternoon, facing west and allowing for crowds to form inside and out. The materials and use of space were great to photograph and Design Theory implemented their style well into an existing build. Images below.

P&N Bank - Woods Bagot

P&N Bank Offices in Perth, Western Australia. Interior architecture by Woods Bagot. Multi-level goodness and a solid staircase to boot. The materials used and finish on all Woods Bagot projects are of the highest level. Reception desk made by local talent Jack Flanagan.